No Gym No Problem: Part 1


Good Morning Guys and Gals!

I am super excited about this post as it was a request made by a friend. She contacted me on Thursday asking for a 30 minute workout she could do at home.

Just because you don’t have a gym membership doesn’t mean you can’t work out! You don’t need to spend crazy amounts of money on an at-home gym system or make 1001 installment payments on a boflex machine.

One of my biggest pet peeves is chachkas…I never understood why people buy mass amounts of things to display. What happened to less is more? What happened to feng shui?

I am a fan of keeping life simple and clean. I’ll never forget what my dad used to tell me when I was young and rebellious and my room looked like a tornado hit it, “Your room is a reflection of your life. If you can’t keep your space organized, how can your life be any different?” Now I understand what he’s talking about. If things around our place are messy, my whole day is thrown off balance. If you feel the same way, check out Marie Kondo’s, The-Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up .

I’ve come up with a 30 min work out plan that does not require lots of space or equipment. This circuit can burn approximately 260 calories for someone who weighs an average of 150 pounds. Starting out, this can be exhausting, if you are just beginning, try each move for 30 seconds versus a minute and build yourself up.

Remember, you can customize it to your needs. If you can’t do planks, do push ups or sit ups. If you can’t do jumping jacks, walk in place.

If you need to take a break, take a break! It’s ok!

Work out: 5 rounds x 6 minute per round = 30 minutes

Each round includes: 

  • Jumping Jacks = 1 minute
  • Planks= 1 minute
  • Squats= 1 minute
  • Wall squat= 1 minute
  • Standing lunge= 1 minute
  • Kettle bell swings= 1 minute (Use a dumbbell if you don’t have a kettle bell)

Click below to see me in action:


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10 thoughts on “No Gym No Problem: Part 1”

  1. This workout looks great! Can I just add a little sidenote? If anyone is new to Kettle bells, they probably should not swing as high as you are in the video. That’s fine for advanced swingers (like you 🙂 ), but newbies should focus on form, generate the power through their hips, and keep the weight from going past their shoulders.

    Sorry – unsolicited advice on someone else’s blog is pretty gauche, but I had a trainer for several months and she drilled the importance of form into my head for life.

    Here’s some more info on the Great Kettlebell Swing Debate. 🙂


    1. Wow, I really appreciate that. Thank you for your kind words. I hope that this post inspired at least one person to get off the couch and move around. Have a wonderful evening.


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