When life gives you lemons…

When life gives you lemons, squeeze em into your morning water!

Let’s explore the benefits of lemon water, shall we?

  • Lemon water helps the process of eliminating waste products from the body easier. Isn’t being backed up in morning traffic bad enough? Don’t back dem bowels up also.
  • Your liver is asking to be saved after last night. I know what Thirsty Thursday is… Lemon aids your liver in releasing toxins.
  • It benefits the skin: helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Where my ladies at?
  • Lemons help reduce inflammation. If you are planning to shovel your car out today, try preventing a sore throat by drinking a glass of warm water with lemon. #winterstormjonas
  • If you are a workout enthusiast, lemon water helps restore body salt and helps reduce joint inflammation.
  • Lemons are a good source of Vit C which is vital for a strong, functioning immune system.
  • Lemon contains potassium, potassium aids in brain function. Feed-your-brain!
  • Helps lower blood pressure, fight diabetes, and helps fight against eye problems.

I know some of you are just getting up…put down that cup of coffee and grab yourself some lemon water.


Have a beautiful day,
